How about the Skin Adhesive Patches for Libre Without Hole ?

Experiences and suggestions from users.

User One: ☆☆☆☆☆ These work great

I wanted to wait my 14 days of wearing this adhesive patch to leave
my review. It works great. i think that in the product description, it
says tested over 7 days and 7 showers. Well, for me it lasted the entire
14 days of wearing my sensor. This is the 2nd time I used this patch, and both
times it lasted the 14 days. After about 12 days it has started to fray around
the outer edge but still remains firmly in place. I shower every day and mow
my lawn once a week with a lot of sweating and still stays attached. The person
who said that it came up after 1 use, I couldnt see that happening. I think that
I could get another few days past the 14 days if I had to. Excellent product.

User Two: ☆☆☆☆☆ Great performance

Love everything about this. I ordered because my son and I kept catching our libre sensor on things or it would just pull off from use, losing 5 days worth of sensor life. Because of these patches the sensors stay in place for full life span of sensor, while still maintaining their functionality. When using, gently center over the middle of the sensor. DO NOT PRESS DOWN ON SENSOR ITSELF when applying patch. Just gently let it stick to top of sensor and then lightly smooth patch around OUTSIDE of sensor. So happy we discovered these patches.

User Three: ☆☆☆☆☆ I don’t think my sensor would stay on without this.

I’m using the FreeStyle Libre 14 day sensor and my first one popped off within the first 24 hours. Since using the patches, I’ve worn two sensors that made it the full two weeks. When the patch starts to pull off from the skin, I trim that part off and place a partial patch just over that area. Not the greatest look, but it works. I have very sensitive skin and was concerned I would react to the patch, but no reaction, bumps, or itchiness at all. It all came off easily enough but I suspect that it would be painful if you have hair on your arms (maybe shave first?). Before applying the sensor, I washed the area with soap and water, then liberally used rubbing alcohol over the entire area and let it dry. Put on the sensor, then the patch. It seems so much more secure and I barely think about it or feel it. This purchased has worked well for me.

User Four: ☆☆☆☆☆Recommend highly to keep freestyle sensor in place

I have tried others which were either uncomfortable or caused allergic skin reactions. This is a bit large but I have not had a sensor fall off since I started using it. Also other similar bandages claimed to be hypoallergenic but caused dermatitis. This one stays on for 2 weeks and I have no skin irritation. I suggest buying an adhesive remover as it is hard to remove all the adhesive after pulling if off at the end of the 2 weeks. They recommend using it for only one week but it is pricey and i only take it off when I need a new sensor.